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Filetype json

  • 标签: file, file type, extension, code, javascript
  • 分类: Files and folders


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下载并使用此 SVG 图标。

下载此 SVG 图标



<i class="bi bi-filetype-json"></i>

Code point

  • Unicode: U+F791
  • CSS: \F791
  • JS: \uF791
  • HTML: &#xF791;

复制 HTML 代码

将以下 SVG 图标的代码粘贴到你的页面中即可。

<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-filetype-json" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
  <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14 4.5V11h-1V4.5h-2A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 9.5 3V1H4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v9H2V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h5.5L14 4.5ZM4.151 15.29a1.176 1.176 0 0 1-.111-.449h.764a.578.578 0 0 0 .255.384c. 0 .301-.023.413-.07a.559.559 0 0 0 .255-.193.507.507 0 0 0 .084-.29.387.387 0 0 0-.152-.326c-.101-.08-.256-.144-.463-.193l-.618-.143a1.72 1.72 0 0 1-.539-.214 1.001 1.001 0 0 1-.352-.367 1.068 1.068 0 0 1-.123-.524c0-.244.064-.457.19-.639.128-.181.304-.322.528-.422.225-.1.484-.149.777-.149.304 0 .564.05.779. 0 0 0-.12-.258.624.624 0 0 0-.246-.181.923.923 0 0 0-.37-.068c-.216 0-.387.05-.512.152a.472.472 0 0 0-.185.384c0 . 0 0 0 .404.175l.621.143c.217.05.406.12.566.211a1 1 0 0 1 .375.358c. 0 .247-.063.466-.188.656a1.216 1.216 0 0 1-.539.439c-.234.105-.52.158-.858.158-.254 0-.476-.03-.665-.09a1.404 1.404 0 0 1-.478-.252 1.13 1.13 0 0 1-.29-.375Zm-3.104-.033a1.32 1.32 0 0 1-.082-.466h.764a.576.576 0 0 0 .074.27.499.499 0 0 0 .454.246c.19 0 .33-.055.422-.164.091-.11.137-.265.137-.466v-2.745h.791v2.725c0 .44-.119.774-.357 1.005-.237.23-.565.345-.985.345a1.59 1.59 0 0 1-.568-.094 1.145 1.145 0 0 1-.407-.266 1.14 1.14 0 0 1-.243-.39Zm9.091-1.585v.522c0 .256-.039.47-.117.641a.862.862 0 0 1-.322.387.877.877 0 0 1-.47.126.883.883 0 0 1-.47-.126.87.87 0 0 1-.32-.387 1.55 1.55 0 0 1-.117-.641v-.522c0-.258.039-.471.117-.641a.87.87 0 0 1 .32-.387.868.868 0 0 1 .47-.129c.177 0 .333.043.47.129a.862.862 0 0 1 .322.387c. 1.46 0 0 0-.59-.63c-.253-.146-.559-.22-.916-.22-.356 0-.662.074-.92.22a1.441 1.441 0 0 0-.589.628c-.137.271-.205.596-.205.975v.513c0 .375.068.699.205.973.137.271.333.48.589.626.258.145.564. 0 .663-.072.917-.217.256-.146.452-.355.589-.626.136-.274.205-.598.205-.973Zm1.29-.935v2.675h-.746v-3.999h.662l1.752 2.66h.032v-2.66h.75v4h-.656l-1.761-2.676h-.032Z"/>