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Question circle

  • 标签: help
  • 分类: Alerts, warnings, and signs


Smaller heading

Inline text

Example link text


下载并使用此 SVG 图标。

下载此 SVG 图标



<i class="bi bi-question-circle"></i>

Code point

  • Unicode: U+F505
  • CSS: \F505
  • JS: \uF505
  • HTML: &#xF505;

复制 HTML 代码

将以下 SVG 图标的代码粘贴到你的页面中即可。

<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-question-circle" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
  <path d="M8 15A7 7 0 1 1 8 1a7 7 0 0 1 0 14zm0 1A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 8 0 0 0 0 16z"/>
  <path d="M5.255 5.786a.237.237 0 0 0 .241.247h.825c.138 0 .248-.113.266-.25.09-.656.54-1.134 1.342-1.134.686 0 1.314.343 1.314 1.168 0 .635-.374.927-.965 1.371-.673.489-1.206 1.06-1.168 1.987l.003.217a.25.25 0 0 0 .25.246h.811a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25v-.105c0-.718.273-.927 1.01-1.486.609-.463 1.244-.977 1.244-2.056 0-1.511-1.276-2.241-2.673-2.241-1.267 0-2.655.59-2.75 2.286zm1.557 5.763c0 .533.425.927 1.01.927.609 0 1.028-.394 1.028-.927 0-.552-.42-.94-1.029-.94-.584 0-1.009.388-1.009.94z"/>